mulog has a couple of console publishers ready for use:

Both can be used as publishers for local development (either running locally or executing tests. The problem is that their output is not something pleasant to look at. Even if the output is pretty printed. Here is a contrived example, with just 5 events.

{:mulog/event-name :company.system.slf4j-init/slf4j,
 :mulog/timestamp 1668079374515,
 :mulog/trace-id #mulog/flake "4mNpLawLr6vG7UiZo44Uxi4U-MgZ1ugS",
 :mulog/namespace "company.system.slf4j-init",
 :exception nil,
 :level "INFO",
 :logger "com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource",
 :message "HikariPool-1 - Starting...",
 :service-name "admin",
 :thread-name "nREPL-session-28c2f6be-4dc4-4da5-ac67-b85d3f311112"}

{:mulog/event-name :company.api.middleware/http-request,
 :mulog/timestamp 1668080116247,
 :mulog/trace-id #mulog/flake "4mNq0m69wO_Nirx1NblMWLocruE7ep44",
 :mulog/namespace "company.api.middleware",
 :content-length nil,
 :content-type nil,
 :endpoint "GET /",
  "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0",
  "accept-language" "en-US,en;q=0.5"},
 :ip-address nil,
 :method "GET",
 :params {},
 :protocol "HTTP/1.1",
 :request-body nil,
 :request-id #uuid "e6572d57-665f-43e0-b68b-fc442b7e4930",
 :scheme :http,
 :server-name "localhost",
 :server-port 8800,
 :service-name "admin",
 :thread-name "qtp1042791362-127",
 :uri "/",
 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0"}

{:mulog/event-name :company.api.middleware/http-response,
 :mulog/timestamp 1668080116248,
 :mulog/trace-id #mulog/flake "4mNq0m6DvqK-odmeeuyzY44gDL2GnbWh",
 :mulog/namespace "company.api.middleware",
 :duration-ms 1,
 :endpoint "GET /",
 :headers {"Location" "/admin-ui/"},
 :ip-address nil,
 :method "GET",
 :request-id #uuid "e6572d57-665f-43e0-b68b-fc442b7e4930",
 :server-name "localhost",
 :service-name "admin",
 :status 302,
 :thread-name "qtp1042791362-127",
 :uri "/",
 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0"}

{:mulog/event-name :company.api.middleware/http-request,
 :mulog/timestamp 1668080116584,
 :mulog/trace-id #mulog/flake "4mNq0nMJVdAaywZpVcKPxGtJQ46ovt2D",
 :mulog/namespace "company.api.middleware",
 :content-length nil,
 :content-type nil,
 :endpoint "GET /api/v1/ui-configuration",
  "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0",
  "accept" "application/json, text/plain, */*",
  "accept-language" "en-US,en;q=0.5"},
 :ip-address nil,
 :method "GET",
 :params {},
 :protocol "HTTP/1.1",
 :request-body nil,
 :request-id #uuid "97ac32d0-f848-4d91-8245-f3b310154b8a",
 :scheme :http,
 :server-name "localhost",
 :server-port 8800,
 :service-name "admin",
 :thread-name "qtp1042791362-122",
 :uri "/api/v1/ui-configuration",
 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0"}

{:mulog/event-name :company.api.middleware/http-response,
 :mulog/timestamp 1668080116586,
 :mulog/trace-id #mulog/flake "4mNq0nMm1AQX9ZpqW-NMe7r324ub74Od",
 :mulog/namespace "company.api.middleware",
 :duration-ms 0,
 :endpoint "GET /api/v1/ui-configuration",
 :headers nil,
 :ip-address nil,
 :method "GET",
 :request-id #uuid "97ac32d0-f848-4d91-8245-f3b310154b8a",
 :server-name "localhost",
 :service-name "admin",
 :status 200,
 :thread-name "qtp1042791362-122",
 :uri "/api/v1/ui-configuration",
 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0"}

What I’d like is to just glance at the output and let my eyes immediately jump to an interesting part of the log without thinking too much. Standard Java logging libraries are on the right track here (for local development). They print a few key facts in column format. That way it’s easier to ignore all events (and their info) and focus on the right exception message (or whatever is deemed important). Here are the same 5 events from above but presented a bit nicer.

12:15:40.504 :company.system.slf4j-init/slf4j INFO [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource] HikariPool-1 - Starting...
12:36:57.791 :company.api.middleware/http-request GET /admin-ui
{:params {}}
12:36:57.791 :company.api.middleware/http-response GET /admin-ui HTTP 200 in 1 ms
12:36:57.908 :company.api.middleware/http-request GET /api/v1/ui-configuration
{:params {}}
12:36:57.908 :company.api.middleware/http-response GET /api/v1/ui-configuration HTTP 200 in 0 ms

How can we get the output above? By writing a new publisher. This is not a big deal with mulog.

A few notes for the code below:

  • Add your own keys (and their values) that you don’t consider worth looking at during development.
  • Change the time formatting as you see fit. I don’t consider date to be important enough for local development.
  • (:endpoint event) is something like "POST /api/v1/users". This is useful not only here, but also in Kibana.


(ns mulog-init
   [clojure.pprint :as pprint]
   [com.brunobonacci.mulog.buffer :as buffer]
   [com.brunobonacci.mulog.publisher :as publisher]
   [java-time.api :as time])
   (com.brunobonacci.mulog.publisher PPublisher)))

(defn- ignore-uninteresting [event]
  (dissoc event
          :mulog/timestamp :mulog/event-name :mulog/trace-id :mulog/namespace
          :service-name :request-id :method :uri :user-agent :ip-address
          :server-name :thread-name))

(deftype LocalDevelopmentPublisher [buffer]
  (agent-buffer [_]

  (publish-delay [_]

  (publish [_ buffer]
    ;; events are pairs [offset <event>]
    (doseq [event (map second (buffer/items buffer))]
      (let [ts (time/format
                (time/formatter "HH:mm:ss.SSS")
                (time/local-date-time (time/instant (:mulog/timestamp event)) (time/zone-id "Europe/Vienna")))
            en (:mulog/event-name event)]
        ;; We do this only for select few and very common events because we want
        ;; a good balance between good looking logs vs. having to maintain this.
        (condp = (:mulog/event-name event)
          (if-let [exception (:exception event)]
            (printf "%s %s %s [%s] %s %s\n" ts en (:level event) (:logger event) (:message event) (pr-str exception))
            (printf "%s %s %s [%s] %s\n" ts en (:level event) (:logger event) (:message event)))

          (printf "%s %s %s\n%s" ts en (:endpoint event)
                  (with-out-str (pprint/pprint (dissoc (ignore-uninteresting event)
                                                       :headers :protocol :scheme :thread-name
                                                       :server-port :endpoint))))

          (printf "%s %s %s HTTP %s in %s ms\n" ts en (:endpoint event) (:status event) (:duration-ms event))

          (printf "%s %s\n%s" ts en (with-out-str (pprint/pprint (ignore-uninteresting event)))))))
    (buffer/clear buffer)))

(defn local-development-publisher []
  (LocalDevelopmentPublisher. (buffer/agent-buffer 10000)))

Then you can use the publisher by using inline type:

 {:type :inline :publisher (mulog-init/local-development-publisher)})